Pizza, Wings, Hero's, Salads, Eat-In or Take-Out. Inspired by the everyday family cooking that we grew up with, you’ll feel at home while savoring a great meal in our casual and relaxed dining room. Experience our golden baked pizza, fresh made salads, and hot wings and pasta while enjoying attentive service in a friendly atmosphere; come see what makes us one of the most popular restaurants in town.
- Property Hours Of Operation: 4:00 - 9:00 p.m.
- Property Season Of Operation: Year Round
- Property Driving Direction: From US 17, turn left onto Mt Pisgah Rd. Road turns into Hwy 130 (Holden Beach Rd). Patronies Pizza is on right, just past ABC Store.
Food Type
- American:
- Italian:
Property Site
- Alcohol - Sold / Served:
- Serves Lunch:
- Servers Dinner:
- Take Out / Delivery: