Island Way is Oak Island's only fine dining ocean front restaurant. We feature prime steaks and fresh seafood. From our 18 large ocean front windows to our culinary creations prepared fresh daily, Island Way is a total dining experience.
- Property Hours Of Operation: Dinner at 4:30 pm, Lunch served May thru Labor Day
- Property Season Of Operation: Year Round
- Property Driving Direction: Follow signs to Oak Island. From 906: Take the road to the end and turn left onto E Beach Drive and 1407 E Beach Dr. will be on your right. From 133: Turn right onto E Oak Island Drive. Turn left onto SE 40th Street. Turn right onto E Beach Drive. Island Way is located on the left at 1407 E Beach Dr.
- GroupTour Dining Available:
- GroupTour Hours Of Operation: Winter: Wed-Sun 4:30 - Close; May - Aug: 11:00 am - 9:00 pm
- GroupTour Season Of Operation: Year Round
- GroupTour Driving Direction: Follow signs to Oak Island. Turn onto NE 40th Street. Turn right onto Beach Drive. Island Way is located on the right at 1407 E Beach Dr.
- GroupTour Max Seatings: 100
- GroupTour Gen Contact: Chad Cook
- GroupTour Trade Contact: Steve Cook
- GroupTour Facility Contact: Chad or Steve Cook
- GroupTour Wedding Reception Catering:
Food Type
- Seafood:
- Steakhouse:
Group Tour Dining
- Accepts Major Credit Cards:
- Accepts Company Checks:
- Accepts Company Debit Cards:
- Catering Available:
- Group Rate Available:
- Private Area for Groups:
- Separate Checks Allowed:
- Serves Dinner:
- Special Menus for Groups:
- Take Out / Delivery:
Property Site
- Alcohol - None Sold / Served:
- Extensive Wine List:
- Servers Dinner:
- Take Out / Delivery: