Serving coffees, espresso drinks, fruit smoothies, milkshakes, fresh juices, breakfast sandwiches, cafe sandwiches & wraps all day. Complimentary wi-fi. Comfortable in and outside seating. Coffee catering available.
- Property Hours Of Operation: 7am-6pm 7-days a week
- Property Season Of Operation: Year-round
- Property Driving Direction: Hwy 211 South into Southport; drive into town and we are located just before the last light before the waterfront on the right.
- GroupTour Dining Available:
- GroupTour Hours Of Operation: 7am-6pm 7-days a week
- GroupTour Season Of Operation: Year-round
- GroupTour Driving Direction: Hwy 211 South into Southport; drive into town and we are located just before the last light before the waterfront on the right.
- GroupTour Max Seatings: 65
- GroupTour Member Of: Southport-Oak Island Chamber of Commerce
- GroupTour Gen Contact: Emily Humphreys
- GroupTour Trade Contact: Same
- GroupTour Facility Contact: Same
- GroupTour Wedding Reception Catering:
Food Type
- American:
Group Tour Dining
- Accepts Major Credit Cards:
- Separate Checks Allowed:
- Serves Breakfast:
- Serves Lunch:
- Serves Dinner:
- Take Out / Delivery:
Property Site
- Alcohol - None Sold / Served:
- Serves Breakfast:
- Serves Lunch:
- Servers Dinner: